Hiring a Provider for IHSS

As the Recipient, you are responsible for hiring and firing your own Providers. You may hire a family member, friend, or registry Provider. Registry Providers are caregivers who have met the registry requirements, and are willing to work for IHSS Recipients. If you do not have a family member or friend to work for you, and would like a list of Registry Providers, you may contact your Social Worker, Social Services Assistant, or Link2Care for a list of Providers.

Once you have chosen the person you wish to hire as a Provider, you should call your IHSS Social Worker. He or she will inform you of the new provider hiring requirements. If the provider you have selected has already completed the new provider requirements, the Social Worker or the Social Services Assistant will help you sign up your new provider.

Both the Recipient and Provider must complete their portions of the hiring paperwork and return them to IHSS. If you have any questions regarding the paperwork, contact your Social Worker or Social Services Assistant.

Once all the requirements have been completed, your Provider will receive timecards. As the employer, you are responsible to check that the timecard is accurate, that the Provider is claiming only the hours that they worked, and that they are performing the IHSS tasks assigned.